Sulphur dioxide (and its derivatives) are a common ‘ingredient’ of commercially available dried and dehydrated fruit. This is because they are anti-microbial by nature, acting as a preservative to increase shelf-life.

The first two pics are an example of commercially available dehydrated lemon. Note the colour of the lemon slices! These have either been burnt during the dehydration process OR more likely the presence of sulphur dioxide has oxidised the sugars in the lemon resulting in this chemically induced colour change.

Aside from making the fruit look terrible and IMO not at all appetising…..sulphides are also biologically risky. They have been associated with asthma and other respiratory conditions and due to their immuno-modularity abilities (meaning they affect your immune system) have also been associated with various auto-immune disorders.  If you’re hyper-allergenic sulphides ate something you definitely want to steer clear of!

PIC 3….what naturally dehydrated lemon should look like! A slight brown tinge is fine as it’s just caramelised sugars.

Here at Dry Orchard it’s NOTHING BUT AIR!

Your taste buds and body will thank you for it 🍋

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